Sunday, September 22, 2013

Teaching an old dog new tricks...

9/22/2013 8:38 PM
Well, here I's the first day of Autumn, and not only are we going in to a new season, I'm attempting to learn how to set up a blog.  It  was so simple when I could just do this on my website, but new technology demands that I give up my current site...well, not really give it up, but it does have to be brought into the current web technology.  And because of that, I have to find a new way to communicate with you.

I know, some of you are shouting 'HALLELUJAH' she's finally not going to send us to Facebook for information.  To be honest, FB has been so easy for me to just write one-liners to keep you up to date.  But then there are those of you that are die-hard 'Local News' readers, disappointed that I've been absent.  So, here's my solution - and when the new site is finally up and running, this blog will be a part of it.  My friend Lisa says we can 'embed' these things.  I have no clue what she's talking about, but I'll go with it.

The other thing I'm working on is an online store.  So, here I am, an old dog not only attempting to learn one trick, but two.  My brain is tired already.  I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, but please, be patient with me as I get on this learning curve.

So, here it first blog post, on my first blog.  Tomorrow I'll actually write something of the weather or fishing...until then, my brain needs a break and I hope this little post goes through.


"I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." John D. Rockefeller

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