Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, la

Fall is here...not in a bad way, but was it only a week ago that we were in the upper 80's?  It's drizzly and cool this morning (43 degrees), and it seems to be settled in.  Joe asked this morning if I thought this could be the 'season ending event' the Forest Service talks about for bringing the fire season to a close.  It seems that it could be.  We got 2/10 of an inch yesterday before I turned out the lights for bed, and this morning there is another tenth in the rain gauge.  We so desperately need it.

As I sit here to type, I'm in Joe's office at the back of the house looking out the window toward the mountain.  The colors haven't fully started, although there is a hint of change in some of the bushes.  The Aspen are still green, though with this cool-off, it won't be long until they put on their vibrant yellow wardrobe.

I popped in to a neighbor's house to deliver a birthday card & small gift on Saturday evening while our dinner was cooking.  When I drove into their driveway a herd of whitetail deer was not very pleased that I had disrupted their grazing...I, however, was very pleased to see about 6 beautiful bucks amongst them, 2 with nice racks (one at least a 4x4).  All looked so healthy...I hope they stay that way.  There's a virus amongst the whitetail deer as close as the Bitterroot that is causing seemingly healthy deer to just drop dead.  Here are a couple of articles you can read if you're interested :
Wildlilfe officials search for cause of deer deaths
Disease suspected in deer deaths usually east of the front 

As far as the stream goes, today there's a little bump up to 172 cfs (normal is 251 cfs) and it's a chilly 51 degrees.  Some anglers are getting out at daylight to throw streamers, and then as it gets later in the day a tan chubby with a dropper is working.  

Joe popped a couple grouse over the week-end, which I'll cook up for supper tonight.  Lisa asked me a bit ago if we could change up our walking routine, and take the dogs & a shot gun.  So, our training for the Diva Run will be a bit different than most I think.  

That's the news from the creek...things are winding down for the season, and it's time to put on another hat.  I've still got spuds to dig and onions to pull up, but it's almost time to put the garden to bed for another winter.  Today I'll make & can some applesauce, and turn some tomatoes & peppers into salsa...unless I get distracted with hiking and dogs and hunting for grouse.  

At any rate, don't be surprised if you can't find me behind the counter at the store.  Winter is coming, and I've still got 'stuff' to do outside. Have a great day...whatever you may be doing, and remember to brighten the day of others by lending a helping hand or giving a smile.    
Deb & Joe
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
Thomas Jefferson

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